Bunny Plush | Cutting Machine & Laser Cutting | Craft Genesis - Print

Bunny Plush


  • 1 yard faux fur, fleece, or flannel (color 1)
  • 1/2 silk, flannel, or quilter’s cotton (color 2)
  • Polyester fiberfill
  • Sewing threads to match fabric colors
  • Hand sewing needle
  • Sewing pins
  • 2 buttons for eyes (5/8 - 3/4”)
  • 1 button for nose (5/8”)
  • Large pom pom for tail

Products Used

  • Bunny Plush - 14" [SVG] (Sku: CS77687-1)

Steps To Complete

Cutting Instructions


Load the Bunny Plush (Cut & Stitch) file into your cutting machine’s software. This design has two different fabric colors across the different files. Proceed in the design software until the first color selection appears, and is ready to be cut.


Smooth the first fabric color onto the adhesive mat with the right side of the fabric facing up. Make sure the correct knife tool is in place. Then load the adhesive mat into the machine.


Cut out the first color. For faux fur, you may need to increase the pressure of the blade on your cutting machine. For best results, use a setting that would be used for denim or other thick materials. Then carefully remove the cut fabric pieces and excess fabric.


Repeat to cut all the pieces for the Bunny Plush out of the two fabric colors.

Crafting Instructions


To begin assembling the bunny, pin one side of the face (color 1) onto the center face piece (color 1). The bottom edge of the face side has a 1 3/4” straight section.


Leave this straight edge unpinned. For best results, pin from the bottom corner by the straight edge up around the curve of the face.


Then sew a 1/4” seam along the pinned edge.


Repeat to pin and sew the opposite side of the face onto the center face piece.


Next sew the ears together. Pin the ear fronts (color 2) onto the ear backs (color 1) with rights sides together. Leave the top edge open for turning.


Then sew a 1/4” seam around the pinned edges. Turn the ears right side out.


Fold each of the ears in half with the front sides (color 2) together. Then match the folded edge of each ear up with the right and left top seams on the face. The open, front side of the folded ears should face down towards the bottom of the face. Pin the ears in place along the straight edge.


Baste stitch them in place 1/4” from the edge.


Then match up the edges of the back head piece (color 1) with the sewn front face piece and ears (colors 1 & 2). Pin them together, making sure to leave the bottom edge open for turning. Make sure right sides are together, and the ears are in between the two pieces and hanging out the bottom opening.


Sew a 1/4” along the pinned edges, and turn the head right side out.


To make the arms, match up two arm pieces (color 1) with right sides together. Pin the curved edges together, but leave the top edge open for turning.


Sew a 1/4” seam along the pinned edges, and turn the arm right side out. Repeat to make both arms.


Then stuff the arms firmly with polyester fiberfill. Make sure to leave the top 3/4” unstuffed to make them easier to sew onto the head.


Center one sewn and stuffed arm onto each of the two side seams on the face. Match up the raw edges, and pin them in place.


Then baste stitch them in place 1/4” from the edge.


Now to make the body, match up the edges of one left body piece (color 1) to one right body piece (color 1) with right sides together. Pin and sew them together along the curved edge with a 1/4” seam, and leave the two straight edges unsewn.


Then repeat for the other right and left body pieces. This creates the right and left halves of the body.


Then match the two halves of the body up, and pin them together along the long straight edge which will be the center line of the body. Make sure to leave a 3” - 4” open for turning, and to not sew the top shut.


Sew a 1/4” seam along the pinned edges.


Next place the head, arms, and ears inside of the body with right sides together. Match up the raw edges and side seams, and pin the body and head together. Pulling the ears out of the opening in the body will help keep them out of the way while sewing.


Sew a 1/4” along the pinned edge to connect the head and body and create the neck seam.


Turn the bunny plush right side out through the opening in the body.


Then stuff it firmly with polyester fiberfill.


Once fully stuffed, sew the opening closed with thread matching the fabric.


To make the feet, match up the edges of one foot front (color 2) with the edges of one foot back (color 1). Pin them together, and sew a 1/4” seam.


Leave a 1 1/2” opening along one side for turning. Repeat for the second foot.


Then stuff both feet firmly with polyester fiberfill.


Hand sew the openings closed.


Position the feet at the bottom of the body, and hand sew them into place.


Then position the pom pom on the back of the rabbit, and hand sew it into place.


Finally, take the buttons for the eyes and nose, and hand sew them in place as well. This completes the Bunny Plush. Repeat these steps to make a family of bunnies in a variety of colors and fabrics. Just make sure not to resize this design, as the seam allowance makes it unscalable.